Irma Markulin


Zvono Prize 2014: Group exhibition in the Duplex 100 m² gallery in cooperation with the Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art

The title of my work that I started to develop in 2012 is „Traces of Home“. The installation, although displayable irrespective of specific locations and layouts, always refers to the location in which it is set up and is defined by this in a certain way, may it be the addition of new works or techniques of displaying. This series of manually cut out photographs spans the timeframe from the beginning of photography on the Balkans to documentary photographs from the civil war 1992-95.

For the presentation for the Zvono Award exhibition in Sarajevo I had a white room without windows and the specifications of 5, 10 x 5,40m2 at my disposal.

Starting from these specific conditions I decided to use the room like a camera obscura by implementing a single light bulb as the projectorial source. This made it possible to project the works via the cut out pieces on the walls of the room. This doubled exposure which made the works and their projections part of the installation was realised in Sarajevo for the first time due to the special layout of the space.

Translation Philipp Koch
